World IA Day 2024 Richmond

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🌍 World IA Day is an annual global event taking place on March 2nd, 2024 in nearly 30 locations worldwide. It will feature informative presentations, engaging workshops, and insightful discussions focused on information architecture.

Join us as we discuss Context with Andrew Hinton, Kate Gould, Martina Mitz, Joe Sokohl, Lutz Schmitt, Jason Cranford Teague, Hilary Marsh, Jen Strickland, and Greg Nudelman on March 2, 2024.

Schedule: (all times are EST)

10:00am - 10:45am  Andrew Hinton

The Body Electric: 
Finding Ground In Our New Digital Reality At times, it feels like the very ground under our feet is shifting — 
or even dissolving — as digital information and devices disrupt and 
even replace parts of our world. In this talk, we’ll look at these trends, and consider the possibility of a radical re-introduction of the human body as the organizing principle of information architecture 
and interaction design practice. Andrew Hinton leads teams and organizations in creating great places, products, and services for humans. His book, Understanding Context, is about how digital environments make sense to their inhabitants, and how we can make those experiences even better using information architecture. Currently, as his day job, Andrew manages the Corporate Banking squad at Regions Bank. Otherwise, he keeps busy cooking, walking the dog, trying to play guitar, and making his amazing wife laugh at his dumb jokes. If you’d like to know more, visit his home on the web at 

10:45am - 11:30am  Kate Gould

While studying at Carnegie Mellon University, Kate Gould interned with one of the top national banks. Six years later, she’s leading the digital design strategy for their omni-channel Shop experience. To form meaningful solutions, she partners with researchers, subject matter experts, and stakeholders. When she isn’t hosting a workshop, Kate mentors nascent designers in creating native mobile app and responsive web designs.

During her time at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond, Kate developed and taught ArtVenture courses. She not only enjoyed the role of an instructor but also a student, enrolling in both stained glass and woodworking.

More recently, Kate had the privilege of adjudicating the portfolios of prospective students for her alma mater, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology.

As a former World IA Day panelist, she’s ready to return to this year’s forum as a speaker. 

11:30am - 12:15pm Martina Mitz

UX Strategy = Business Therapy In this talk, Martina will first clarify what UX strategy she is talking about, before diving into what Psychology is, from which the different schools of Psycho Therapy evolve. We’ll look at the different streams in therapy and their goals in the process of helping people to better themselves. From this fundament, we’ll then draw parallels between the processes for systematic optimisation for individuals and for companies/organisations. Finally, we’ll manifest the similarities from these two very distinct contexts by going through a couple of case studies from Martina’s work.

You don’t need any preliminary knowledge about Psychology to attend the talk. It would be good, however, to have heard of “UX Strategy” before, as we are not going to delve into its definition but rather showcase the process, through a psychological point of view.

Martina is a UX/Service Designer and a certified Psychologist = UX Psychologist, working since 2001 on re-designing certain parts of the web. Since 2009 she was able to influence the eco-systems in big companies like Volkswagen, T-Online, eBay, PayPal, Emirates Airlines, Cortal Consors (BNP Paribas), StepStone, The Co-Operative Bank and many others. She has also supported some chosen start-ups in Germany and the UK, primarily by driving their research and strategy phases and therefore establishing a user-centred Design approach and the supporting structures. Further, Martina is very engaged in sharing the knowledge, so next to public appearances at conferences and meet-ups, she is a mentor for younger, but also experienced colleagues, as well as an instructor for UX in the Brainster Academy.

12:15pm - 1:15pm 


1:15pm - 2:00pm

Joe Sokohl

Enterprise IA Matters: the Importance of IA for Enterprise Software In this talk Joe will discuss the need for attention to IA in enterprise settings, especially enterprise software. As we live in the world of product management and engineering-focused Agile processes that spit out MVPs like so many sunflower seeds, teams rarely allow us to focus on IA. In the forgetting of this core practice, product teams create IAs...just haphazardly, unintentionally, and reeking of Winchester House-edness. Instead, Joe argues that intentional, early, and ongoing IA practice is core to enterprise endeavors.

Joe Sokohl is a Principal UX Designer. For the past 20+ years, Joe Sokohl has concentrated on crafting excellent user experiences, using content strategy, information architecture, interaction design, and user research. A consummate UX generalist, he helps customers effectively integrate user experience into their product development. In addition, he has led teams as small as three in the same room to as large as 25 across three countries and six sites. He’s written a chapter on IA in 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know as well as presenting at conferences around the world, such as SXSW, the IA Summit, The IA Conference, UX Australia, Agile World, and edUi.

 2:00pm - 2:45pm Lutz Schmitt

"Digital Intimacy - Feeling close and safe apart" In today's world, digital places and interactions have become an integral part of our lives. This presentation will explore the various ways people experience intimate moments with each other or allow the exchange of intimacies even while being apart. It's not just about naughty thoughts but also about other intimate moments, like a medical examination, that are worth considering. We invite you to share your examples of intimate moments and shared intimacies, that are well represented in the digital realm - or not so much.

Lutz Schmitt is currently a freelance Service & UX Design consultant, with a knack for privacy and critical design. He started as a web designer in the late 1990s, graduating as a designer in the early 2000s, before taking on managing positions. He wrote a book about the perception of time and the influence of design on it, that barely anyone has read. Lifetime goal: Cooking something that brings tears of joy. Not achieved, yet. Lutz can be found at

 2:45pm - 3:00pm


 3:00pm - 3:45pm  Jason Cranford Teague

Spatial Design & the Future of HCI Prepare to dive into the realm of Extended Reality (XR) – an immersive digital landscape encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). As this technology revolutionizes the way we interact with the world, the need for exceptional UX design becomes paramount.

Jason will guide you through the fundamentals of spatial design, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to navigate this exciting frontier and craft compelling experiences that resonate with users in three dimensions.

Key Takeaways:
* Demystifying Spatial Design: Understand the essence of spatial design and its role in shaping the future of UX. * Adapting UX Skills for Spatial Design: Discover how to adapt your existing UX skills and tools to meet the unique challenges of spatial design. * Crafting Immersive Spatial Experiences: Learn how to create immersive and engaging spatial experiences that captivate users.

Jason is a Web pioneer having designed the first Web based publication in 1994. In the thirty years since, he has worked on numerous products applying creative problem solving techniques to find solutions that innovate and satisfy. In addition to having written numerous books and articles on digital media design, he is a sought after international speaker, worked with the W3C to establish Web design standards, taught UX Design at Drexel University, and is currently an advisor to the University of Richmond’s Customer Experience Program. Jason provides digital strategy consulting through his agency Cranford Teague ( focusing on the future of user experience design. 

He and his wife live in beautiful Greensboro, NC, USA. They are the parents to two children and two cats. In addition to his consulting work, Jason is the author of the children’s book Yuri Was Very Brave ( about Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space.

 3:45pm - 4:30pm  Hilary Marsh

IAs and Content Strategists: Better Together The work that information architects and content strategists do is related, but different. We often get immersed in our own individual work and don’t always remember to involve one another in our efforts or decisions. But we should! This talk will compare what IAs and content strategists do, think, and know. By the end, you’ll know why, when and how to collaborate.

Hilary Marsh is president and chief strategist of Content Company, a content and digital strategy consultancy. She helps content-rich organizations get better results from their content by improving their practices. Content Company’s clients include Allstate, American Bar Association, American Medical Association, Estée Lauder, Endocrine Society, Fulbright Teachers Exchange, Institute of Food Technologists, Intuit, NORC at the University of Chicago, Syracuse University, and Walgreens. Hilary has been a leading content strategy practitioner, mentor, speaker, and professor since 1999.

 4:30pm - 5:15pm Jen Strickland

The Context of You Every single person has a unique path to add to the context they find themselves in. So often assumptions about credentials, identity, experience, and other lenses filter out perspectives that can add value. Let’s chat about self-worth, being a good bystander, and advocating for radical participation. 

Jennifer has 30 years of industry experience as a designer, developer and researcher, across enterprise, government, and non-profits. They are an Invited Expert with the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AGWG) developing the Web Contact Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) used in accessibility regulations, and contribute in multiple other W3C working groups including the new sustainable web design group and serves as the Chair of the Equity Community Group. They are also leadership committee for the Technologists for the Public Good, and a volunteer for U.S. Digital Response. They are a frequent speaker on a range of design and development topics.

5:15pm - 6:00pm Greg Nudelman

How to F*ck up your AI Project (in 8 easy steps!) According to the MIT Sloan Management Review, 7 out of 10 AI Projects fail. And while we cannot always predict success, clear patterns of failure are beginning to emerge. In this hilarious and immediately useful session, Greg Nudelman, a veteran of 32 AI projects and the author of five UX books, will cover 8 issues guaranteed to tank your AI project. We will discuss critically important topics such as the art and science of picking the right use case, using real-world constraints and value-based metrics (instead of data science metrics like Accuracy and Recall), leveraging established UX patterns like Digital Twin, and designing the initial UX around collecting behavioral metrics to train future AI/ML solutions. All skill levels are welcome, but mid-level and advanced UX Designers and Product Managers will likely get the most out of this session.

Greg Nudelman is a UX Designer, Strategist, Speaker, and Author. For over 20 years he has been helping his Fortune 100 clients like Cisco, IBM, Intuit, and more to create loyal customers and generate $100s of millions in additional valuation. A veteran of 30+ AI projects, Greg currently serves as a Distinguished Designer at Sumo Logic, creating innovative AI/ML solutions for Security, Network, and Cloud Monitoring. Greg presented over 100 keynotes and workshops in 18 countries and authored 5 UX books and 24 patents. His latest book, UX for AI is planned for release in late 2023. More info at:


Additional Information

Context is all around us. It shapes the meaning in all types of communications. Without context, you can’t communicate effectively. Without context, you can’t understand meaning. Context is fundamental to the way we come to understand people, situations, and ideas. Context inspires feelings, thoughts and beliefs of groups and individuals. It is the background information that allows people to make informed decisions.

When we understand the context, we make strategic decisions: We draw lines (seams, borders, edges) between content and context: What do we focus on? What is «inside» and what is «outside»? When we work on detailing the objects in our focus, we’re still always keeping an eye out for the context. The context can change the meaning of the content. The context itself can change, thus having an impact on our information architecture.