Open Data Ireland was set up with the purpose of helping citizens access high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Irish Government. This community meetup is organised by Open Knowledge Ireland and WikiMedia Ireland. It will bring together people who are passionate about sharing, learning, using and progressing Open Data in Ireland.

The event is free, but we appreciate all donations. Please adjust the 5EUR donation preset if you want to give more.


Event map

Additional Information

Doors open at 18:00. The event will begin at 18:30 and finish at 20:00

The theme for this Meetup is 'Open Health Data'.

Building on the health data meetups that took place in March 2013 & in May 2013, and Health Data Maker Party, June 2015 we will be hearing about how open health data can save lives and help all of us to make better-informed decisions. We'll also have a panel discussion on open health data to see how we can overcome some of the challenges.

This meetup will be facilitated by Eugene Eichelberger

Guest speakers and panelists include:

We would like to thank the guys in Science Gallery Dublin for hosting the event.

Also a big thanks to all of the volunteers who helped organise the event: Denis Parfenov, Dr. Ingo Keck and Eugene Eichelberger.