Rescheduled Team Day 3 - 2018
Please ensure your teams arrive at the venue by 9:15am for a 9:30am start. with prize giving ending around 4:30pm.
Team entries are £20, if paid for before Monday the 11th of June. £25 thereafter. Teams can pay on the day using the code 'PAYONDAY'
Individual entries are £5, if paid for before the 11th of June. £7 thereafter. Individuals must pay online only.
*Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals can enter for free. *
For team entries: please use the code FSM1, FSM2, FSM3 or FSM4 to indicate the number of children in receipt of free school meals in a team. For individual entries: please use the code FSM.
Additional Information
You are allowed to bring more than 4 players - up to 6 players, in the event of a team winning a trophy - we will need a contribution to cover the costs of the extra trophy. Teams are also expected to play in order of strength, and maintain that order throughout the day.
For Primary and P5&u - all teams must be made up from players who live in Edinburgh, Lothians and the Borders. Players can only play for clubs, if their school isn't entering a team.