Breakout Growth Workshop (Barcelona October 1, 2019)

Join Sean Ellis, author of Hacking Growth (available in 16 languages), and Itamar Gilad, former growth lead for Gmail, to learn how to drive breakout growth for your business. Whether you are part of an early-stage company that has achieved product/market fit and are now looking to drive breakout growth or you are in an established business that needs to accelerate or reignite growth, this workshop is for you.

About Sean Ellis: Sean coined the term growth hacking and used it to drive breakout growth in the early days for businesses such as Dropbox, LogMeIn, Eventbrite, and Lookout - each now worth billions of dollars. While Sean's career started in marketing, Itamar approaches growth from a product first perspective and will share his experience leading growth at massive scale for Gmail.


Event map

Additional Information

What you will learn

This fun and interactive workshop will jumpstart your growth transformation by teaching you the principles and tools used by Google, Dropbox, and other successful hypergrowth companies. Weill use an engaging combination of lecture, hands-on exercises, real-world case studies, and facilitated discussion to cover these and other topics:

  • Effective Onboarding and Activation
  • Creating and Optimizing Engagement Loops
  • Creating and Optimizing Referral Loops
  • Effective Revenue Loops
  • Profitable Customer Acquisition with Optimized Growth Engine
  • Five-Step Framework for Unleashing Breakout Growth
  • Creating a Company-Wide Culture of Growth and Experimentation
  • Overcoming Organizational Friction to Cross-Functional Growth
  • Cross-functional colaboration

Who is this event for?

Whether you are part of an early-stage company that has achieved product/market fit and needs to shift into growth or you are an established business that needs to accelerate growth, this workshop is for you. It is designed to help your cross-functional team of product managers, marketers, growth leads, developers, designers, and/or data analysts align efforts to accelerate value delivery and sustainably unlock breakout growth.

Because effective growth needs a cross-functional effort, we recommend sending 3-5 people of various roles - product management, marketing, data analysis, design and engineering. This is also an opportunity to meet growth teams of diverse background and exchange learnings and ideas.


The workshop starts at 9:00 and finishes at 17:00

Venue: H10 Marina, Av. del Bogatell, 64, 68, 08005 Barcelona

We recommend booking your hotel early as Barcelona tends to fill up fast in this season.

Your Instructors

Sean Ellis
Sean Ellis coined the term "Growth Hacking" and is considered the father of the worldwide Growth Hacking movement. He developed and applied Growth Hacking at companies like Dropbox, Eventbrite, LogMeIn, and Lookout, which led to breakout growth for these companies (all worth billions of dollars today).

​Sean is also co-author of "Hacking Growth", which has been translated into 16 languages, and founder of He is an experienced entrepreneur and founded Qualaroo (a customer insight company with clients such as Uber, Intuit, Starbucks, Amazon) and served as CEO until its acquisition by a private equity firm.

Today Sean helps companies around the globe accelerate customer and revenue growth through workshops, keynote presentations and select advising roles. His work has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, WIRED, Fast Company,, TechCrunch and on MSNBC.

Itamar Gilad
Itamar Gilad is a product management, strategy and growth coach, speaker, and author. For over 20 years he held senior product management and engineering roles at Google, Microsoft and other companies. At Google Itamar launched Gmail's Tabbed Inbox and lead Gmail's growth team (resulting in 1Bn MAUs). Itamar writes a popular product managements blog and is the creator of a number of product management methodologies including GIST planing and The confidence Tool, used by some of the tech world's most successful companies.

We expect this workshop to sell out quickly. We’ve also found that cross-functional teams gain the most benefit.

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