World IA Day 2023 London

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World IA Day is a global conference where UXrs get together to learn about share information architecture practice.

This year's theme is orientation and wayfinding, so we've curated an event that looks at how five practitioners from the...

  • games
  • healthcare/charity
  • voice/bots
  • enterprise software
  • and built design/architecture have used user research and experience design practices to create digital spaces for inclusive sensemaking, navigation and search.


WIAD London is:

  • from 1130GMT to 1430GMT
  • fully remote


John Dickens, User Researcher, Sony PlayStation

Menu design for inclusive gameplay experiences

Tom Hewitson, Founder,

Wayfinding in voice and conversational experiences

~~### Emma Dyer, Senior User Researcher, Alzheimer's Society

Wayfinding in services for people living with dementia~~

Upma Singh, Senior Experience Designer, EPAM Systems

How ORCA (Objects, Relationships, Calls-To-Actions and Attributes) helps orient and guide your users

About WIAA and WIAD

The World Information Architecture Association (WIAA) hosts World IA Day and supports global initiatives to spread the information architecture practice.

WIAD London 2023 is organised by:


Event map


March 4th, 2023

11:30am – 11:45am GMT
Welcome to WIAD London 2023 🤓 🇬🇧💂

A welcome introducing our 2023 theme — orientation and wayfinding — our sponsors and speakers.

11:45am – 12:10pm GMT
Large Language Models and the future of digital assistants

Large Language Models are set to revolutionise conversational services such as chatbots and voice assistants but harnessing is far from Simple. Tom will talk about techniques for getting them to do what you want, how to mitigate bad behaviours such as hallucinations and the potential for the future.

12:10pm – 12:35pm GMT
Wayfinding in services for people living with dementia
1:15pm – 1:45pm GMT
How ORCA (Objects, Relationships, Calls-To-Actions and Attributes) helps orient and guide

30 minutes talk ; 5 minutes questions ; 0815EST /// ORCA (Objects, Relationships, Calls-To-Actions and Attributes) is an Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) methodology that helps teams design thorough information architectures. Thorough IAs that inherently include strong orientation and wayfinding!

Upma will walk you through the method and point you toward more resources so you can start using it today.

2:00pm – 2:30pm GMT
Global Keynote: Designing environments: How wayfinding, visual design, and IA shape our experience

Additional Information

Code of Conduct

By attending World IA Day, you agree to WIAA's Code of Conduct