Web Developer 42° - March

Web Developer 42° is a monthly web developer centric meetup whose goal is to promote and encourage the emerging community of Tasmanian web developers.

Whether you consider yourself a full stack developer, front-end pirate (or ninja!), hardware hacker, open source enthusiast, or somewhere in between; we highly encourage you to come along, and help make #wd42 great. Chances are you'll even learn a thing or two along the way.

This month:

  • 6:00pm: Google Cloud Platform and Android, present and future - David Chalmers
  • 6:45pm: Being inside Google - David Chalmers


Event map

Additional Information

Each month the team behind #wd42 work hard to deliver a range of compelling topics for discussion, presented by some of Tasmania's best emerging and established web professionals.

So if you like talking tech, eating free pizza, drinking free soft drinks and beer (catering sponsored by Biteable), and hanging out with a group of inspiring and passionate developers, then come along. You'll learn some things, share some things, and bask in the almighty glory of the Web Developer supreme! It'll be rad!