W3C TPAC 2021 Public Breakouts
Every year, the W3C, a non-profit organization where Web technologies like HTML and CSS get designed and standardized, organizes a week-long meeting of its entire community, known as TPAC (Technical Plenary & Advisory Committee meeting). TPAC consists of a combination of consensus building working meetings, and unconference-style breakouts. This year, TPAC is taking place virtually, with breakouts happening the week of October 18-22 2021.
While participation in TPAC has traditionally been limited to W3C standardization group participants, the W3C is offering a set of breakout discussions open to the broader public, toward the goal of bringing more diverse voices into the W3C community. We feel this is necessary to ensure the fullest range of users and perspectives is represented and encoded in our web standards.
As a member of the public, you are invited to register to participate in these public breakouts. We particularly welcome individuals from communities that are underrepresented in tech in general, and W3C discussions in particular. No prior experience with W3C is needed, newbies are welcome (#nocodesnobs).
The topics of the public breakouts will be proposed over time and will be finalized the week of October 11. Topics will range from things like how to get started contributing, privacy and security in HTML, web accessibility, performance, WebXR, and other new technology standards on the web.
The W3C is committed to making these public breakouts welcoming, safe and accessible. W3C will offer free introductory training for people who will be joining for the first time to help you get prepared to participate meaningfully in these discussions.
W3C TPAC breakouts, as all W3C operations, operate under our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
You do not need and should not register here if you are already registered for TPAC using W3C's registration system.