Meet the TAG London - July 2017
The W3C TAG (Technical Architecture Group) is in charge of coordinating cross-technology architecture and the principles of web architecture at the World Wide Web Consortium - in other words, it’s kind of a technical steering group for web standards. We’re having a face to face meeting in July in London (hosted by Mozilla).
As part of our time here we'll be holding a Q&A panel session (followed by drinks reception) on the evening of 26 July (hosted by Financial Times at their offices on the South Bank) where we can let you know what we're up to and get feedback from the web developer community about your priorities.
What are some key topics on the TAG's agenda? We're working on API design guidelines. We're working on some guidance to do with fake news and URLs. And we're working on a host of design reviews of others' work, across the spectrum of web technologies.
Come along find out what else we're working on, get a heads-up of new Web standards and technologies in development and air your web tech pet peeves. Then join us afterwards for some food and drink.
Additional Information
Doors will open at 19:00. The panel will start promptly at 19:30.