Voice 21 Book Club: In conversation with Rupert Knight
Oracy book club: In conversation with Rupert Knight | Wednesday 6 May, 2020 | 3.30 - 4.30pm
Our monthly oracy book clubs bring together our network of teachers and schools to hear from leading authors and experts in the field of oracy and education.
If you join the Club, you will receive exclusive excerpts from the books to read ahead time and an exclusive discount code if you wish to order and read the books in full.
We're delighted to announce our first Book Club author, Rupert Knight, who will be joining us in discussion about his latest book "Classroom Talk: Evidence based teaching for enquiring teachers"
Rupert was a school teacher in London and Nottingham before moving into higher education. He is now Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, working with student teachers and practicing teachers in England and overseas. His research interests include the relationship between theory and practice in learning to teach.