Made for More (South East Region)

When we give our lives to Jesus he invites us on a fun and crazy adventure.

All around us and across the world people are broken and hurting. But there is a new story to be written. Do you know what your part in this story is? Do you know how to live out what Jesus is inviting you into?

We are going to gather for 36 hours as a family of students and young adults, away from it all on the beautiful Suffolk coast, to spend time hanging out with friends and our God.

We would love for you to join us as we seek to know in our hearts how deeply God loves us, to explore what he has created us for and to learn how we might live out the dreams set inside of us. We believe that through this we get to live life in all its fullness - just as Jesus promised. This is a generation that could change the future and write a new story for lives across the world.

You are made for more.


Event map

Additional Information

Arrive on Friday from 5.30pm, first session is 8pm. Ends at 2.30pm on Sunday

Cost includes accommodation & all meals. We also have a limited number of 0-5yrs places available on a first come basis. 0-2s Free. 3-5s £10