UX Camp 2023 - Redux

We're excited to announce a fabulous partnership with our friends at UXup which will see us jointly hosting the annual UXCB Redux on Thursday 26th October, 6:30pm-9:30pm @ PLATF9RM in Central Brighton.

Following feedback from attendees about which sessions they enjoyed the most, the Redux gives everyone a second chance to see some of the highlights from the main event, and will include a little extra sprinkle of UXup interactivity. We’re delighted to have 4 fantastic speakers reprising their talks at the Redux this year:

  • Serena Verdenicci, Senior Behavioural Designer - “Behavioural Intentions - A practical session in behavioural design”
  • Michael Kibedi, UX Researcher, Fluent Interaction - “Why do Alexa and Siri sound the same…? Examining how biased data produces unequal outcomes + ideas for data science and UXR”
  • Max Keetley, Senior UX Designer, Madgex - “Words matter - UX writing in your design process”
  • Patrick Bower, Design Engineer, RAC - “Dyslexia - my crap superpower”

Tickets will are only £5 and include pizza, beer, wine and soft drinks.