Aikido Beginners Course 2023
The beginners course runs over three months. During that period you will get familiar with the basics of aikido which include the use of weapons. On course completion you will be eligible to grade for your 6th kyu which is the first grade in aikido.
The course costs £60 or £45 for concession and full time students. This includes your first year’s membership with the United Kingdom Aikikai as well as your insurance.
First class starts on Friday 15th September at 7pm.
Additional Information
Aikido 3-month Beginner's Course
The beginners course runs over twelve weeks. During that period you will get familiar with the basics of aikido, including wooden weapons use. On course completion, you will be eligible* to grade for your 6th kyu which is the first grading in aikido.
There are no additional fees for the grading and all the kyu gradings would usually take place during a class. So you only pay for the class.
Training (keiko) will take place alongside our normal Friday class. This is important as you will get the chance to practise and learn from more experienced students as well as people who start at the same time as you.
You will learn how to blend with your attacker (uke), redirect them and take them off balance. You will also learn ukemi - how to safely absorb and receive techniques, do rolls and take breakfalls. Techniques include throws, pins and locks.
In aikido we also use three types of wooden weapons. Tanto (wooden knife or dagger), Jo (wooden staff) and bokken (wooden sword).
The course costs £60 or £45 for concession and full-time students. This includes your first year’s membership with the United Kingdom Aikikai as well as your insurance.
Within this special package, you get the following:
- £16 UKA membership and insurance (£12.50 concession)
- £44 for 3 months (£32.50 concession)
Standard fees:
- Adults (waged) - £25 / month or £8 / session
- Adults (concession) - £20 / month or £6 / session
*To be eligible for your 6th kyu grading you must complete a minimum of 20 hours of training.