Future Career Readiness in a Changing World of Work

Trinity Business School | Friday July 26th | 2 pm to 5.30 pm The latest World Economic Forum (WEF) Future of Jobs report said that while new technologies can drive business growth, job creation and demand for specialized skills, they can also displace entire job categories when certain tasks become obsolete or automated. This changing landscape makes it critical for professionals to future-proof their skills to take advantage of these new opportunities

This MBA Masterclass will look at how to stay in control of your future career and also how the world of work will be reshaped by artificial intelligence in the workplace.

Future Career Readiness: Career progression was all so predictable in the past when getting a good college education was followed by entering the workforce at graduate level and climbing the corporate ladder in a siloed function. Loyalty and hard work were rewarded with job security and building a pension over time would ensure a secure retirement. How times have changed!...........we are witnessing huge change in organisations where the psychological contract has changed.

John Fitzgerald believes we need a new career paradigm which involved dual ownership. He will share the ‘My Career, My Business Model’ to stay in control of your future career, the 9 Future of Work skills which build lifelong employability and some practical insights from his personal career coaching experience over two decades. These insights are featured in his new book. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Future-Proof-Your-Career-Inside/dp/1781333327/

Without Bias – How AI will make us better versions of ourselves, John Mannion will discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of growth. AI will help economies grow, release trapped value and streamline services for users. However there are extended consequences which may benefit or hinder humans whether working with AI or seeing the consequences of AI. In this session, John will bring you through some of those consequences, outline what the future holds for human + machine collaboration and also argue why if deployed correctly, AI will also make us become better versions of ourselves.


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Additional Information

John Fitzgerald is Managing Director of Harmonics Ireland’s leading career consulting firm. John is a Career Futurist and Speaker on Future of Work. He has coached hundreds of blue-chip Senior Executives over the past 19 years to rethink their career strategy. His passion is consulting with Organisations and Business Leaders to help them anticipate Change and Future Proof.

John Mannion is the Health & Public Service Innovation Lead based at the Dock, Accenture’s Global Innovation and Research Centre. He advises Health and Public Services clients and leadership globally on innovation, from the best examples of innovation, to commons issues related to embedding and scaling innovation in addition to supporting innovation services provided by the Dock. He worked previously in Accenture Consulting across Health, Public Service as well as Resources, Financial Services and CSR. He holds a Masters in Public Policy from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at National University of Singapore.