Research Seminar: Professor Fabiola Gerpott
Seminar Title: How to handle R&R's when publishing in top journals
Abstract: Handling revise and resubmit (R&R) decision in the publication process effectively is crucial for successfully publishing in top journals. This research seminar will explore best practices for navigating reviewer feedback, managing emotional responses, and turning critical reviews into opportunities for manuscript improvement. For example, we will discuss how to interpret reviewer intent, coordinate with co-authors, and maintain productive communication with editors. The seminar aims to help PhD students develop a resilient approach to the R&R process, ultimately increasing their chances of publishing in high-impact journals.
Bio: Professor Fabiola H. Gerpott holds the Chair of Leadership at the WHU—Otto Beisheim School of Management. She has graduated from a Double PhD Program in Business Administration as well as Organizational Psychology and worked as an Assistant Professor in HRM at the VU Amsterdam before joining the WHU. She currently serves as a Senior Associate Editor at The Leadership Quarterly and is on the Editorial Board of several journals including Human Relations and Journal of Management Studies. Her research focuses on the challenges of self-regulation and leadership within self-managed teams, as well as the implications of AI and new work arrangements on organizational behavior. Her work has been published in leading academic outlets, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organizational Research Methods.
Note: Tea and coffee will be served during the seminar at 419.
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