Technical Standards in Government “Camp”

This will be a unconference (sometimes called a “bar camp”) event for developers working with open standards. We will be focusing on API standards, Data standards and Web standards.

We want implementers to join us – engineers/developers, systems designers and architects who are working with technology standards as they are building platforms and systems across government.

Please come with ideas for sessions that you'd like to see. Some examples might be: API authentication standards; emerging web standards for security; data schemas for open data. The format of the sessions will be directed discussion and notes will be taken and published. If you propose a session please be prepared to lead the discussion as well.

The goals of the workshop are: share best practice knowledge across groups; engender and initiate a longer-term community around these topics; learn from your colleagues about projects utilising standards and about how government works with open standards organisations.

We will be publishing the minutes of the sessions.


Additional Information

Event schedule

12:15 Registration Opens
12:45 Prompt Start & Welcome
12:50 Lightning Speakers

  • Linda Humphries, GDS: “The Open Standards Principles”
  • David Rogers, MoJ: “Data Principles”
  • David Illsley, GDS: “API Authentication Standards”
  • Umer Ehsan, HMRC: “HMRC APIs Platform”
  • Paul Downey, GDS: “Introducing Registers”
  • Dan Heron, GDS Better Use of Data Team: “Building data science products with Registers client libraries”
  • Mehmet Duran, Home Office: “Data and APIs at the Home Office”

13:45 Agenda Setting
14:00 Breakout Sessions (x3)
15:00 Breakout Sessions (x3)
16:00 Breakout Sessions (x3)
17:00 Wrap-up
17:30 Adjourn to Pub

The event will take place in the Board Room 5 on the 4th floor of at Aviation House.

NB: Food will not be served.