Money & You: A Game and a Workshop

Money game: 14 Feb, 19:00 - 21:00. Workshop: 15 Feb, 09:30 - 16:00.

A fascinating and fun interactive adventure for anyone who would like to explore the nature of money and their relationship to it.

It's NOT about financial planning or getting rich quick. You'll learn what money really is and how it works. You'll learn about yourself and how to get money working creatively in your life. Scroll down for more.

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Additional Information

Is this for you?

Do you feel like money helps you in your life? Or does it seem to get in the way?

Do you ever experience feelings of jealousy, guilt, frustration or even sickness when money enters the picture?

Do you want to learn how and why money can do this to you?

Do you want to master your relationship with money?

At the workshop you'll have the chance to work through your individual situation with money. It will be revealing, surprising and possibly even profound. And it will be a lot of fun.

We will do this all in a very safe space with expert facilitation.

Money game

In the evening of 14 Feb we will start by playing a money game.

Each player brings with them an amount of real money that's meaningful to them. Enough that you'd feel uncomfortable losing it, but not so much that it would cause you any real problems if that happened.

Through several rounds of play, real money will change hands. You might finish the game up, down or even. There will be moments of reflection and discussion to explore what's going on for you and others in the group. It's a fascinating (and often hilarious) way to begin to understand your relationship with money.

Money workshop

On 15 Feb you will learn all about the nature of money. We'll explore what money represents to you and others in the group. You'll learn how money functions and why it can have such a powerful effect on us.

The content is based on 30 years research by Peter Koenig (author of 30 Lies About Money), the world's leading authority on the nature of money and the human relationship to it.

You'll share and discuss your experiences and feelings towards money with each other.

We'll share lunch together. This is included in the ticket price.

Most of the day will be interactive an interactive format to further explore the nature of money and the individual relationship to it of members of the group. This is where you get to go deep and you'll have a chance to work through your specific situation and the reflections drawn from the morning session. If you have any issues around money in your life, this is the chance to address them.

About your facilitator

The day will be led by Tom Nixon from the U.K. who spends most of his time working with founders to realise big ideas and work creatively with money. Tom was trained in this money work in Zurich by Peter Koenig and is authorised by Peter to teach it.

Other information

Money game: 14 Feb 2018. 19:00 - 21:00.

Money workshop: 15 Feb 2018. 09:30 - 16:00.

For people aged 18+

The workshop will be held in English.

Strictly 12 places maximum for the workshop.


The standard price for a full ticket for both the money game and workshop is €150. Please buy this ticket if you are able to.

There are a limited number of reduced price tickets for those unable to pay this at €90.

We have just two further tickets where you can set your own price.

Ticket for the money game only on 14 Feb: €40.

You can also optionally add €80 to sponsor a place for somebody who is unable to pay.