Evaluating technology — master class workshop with Jeremy Keith

Let's get together to examine some of the web technologies you've been hearing so much about. Browser APIs, dev tools, frameworks… What's hot? What's not? And how do you decide whether a particular technology is right for you?


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Tunnel vision is a phenomena every developer knows too well. Each of us has their preferred workflow to make things run smoothly, but sometimes we tend to get so stuck in refining details that we lose the broader view on the »bigger picture«. How well do the components such as the tools we work with serve the project? How well does the final product work? And, more importantly, how well does it fail?

Let's meet up for a brainstorming session that helps us view our daily tasks as fresh ideas from a different angle. Let's replace the «No, but...»s with «Yes, and...»s and combine tools, technologies and techniques into a huge pool of possibilities to choose from when it comes to re-evaluating and re-setting our focus.

This is an exclusive all-day workshop with a limited number of seats. Lunch and coffee will be provided. The event is organised by Joschi Kuphal.