Beyond Recycling of E-Waste (BREW)

Information session

Did you know that many of the devices we shred for recycling in the UK aren't even broken? From vacuum cleaners to toasters, we potentially destroy tens of thousands of devices and appliances every week that could be reused or repaired instead.

We could be missing a huge opportunity to reduce waste and save households money.

Join our investigation

We’re looking for volunteers to join us on a deep dive into the world of Household Waste and Recycling Centres across the UK. Together we’ll investigate how many offer opportunities to reuse products, and we’ll have conversations with the staff on the ground about their work and the barriers they may face to moving beyond recycling.

Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about waste management yet. All you need to take part is an internet-connected device and a sense of curiosity!

Come along to this online information session to learn more about the BREW project, why repair and reuse matter and how you can get involved.


Note: We will focus on how small electronic and electrical devices are processed at recycling centres in the UK.


Additional Information

In this one-hour, online information session, we will cover:

  • Why is repair and reuse preferable to recycling for most small household electronic and electrical devices?
  • What do we already know about reuse at household waste and recycling centres?
  • What are we hoping to learn from this project?
  • How will it work and how can you get involved?

This session will be recorded. To recieve the recording, please register for the session and we'll send you the recording in the following days.

This project is run by The Restart Project with support from IMPETUS.