Wealth - The Power of Change With technological revolution, financial innovation and globalisation going hand in hand to significantly drive change, the global economy has grown rapidly. Wealth, particularly, has accumulated at a great rate, and China currently takes the world’s second place in terms of total household wealth.

Besides wealth, social problems such as environment, education, resources, poverty and health are being acknowledged as the greatest challenges for all mankind that need to be addressed.

China’s first generation of wealthy individuals, mainly business owners, is handing over the bat to the Gen Xers and millennials, who will be growing up to the major driving forth in the wealth creation in the next decade. With their wisdom and capital, it is big opportunity for them to take the roles of leaders and stewards on the road to a more sustainable future.

Wealth & Society 2019 gathers international and local leaders in business, government, technology, philanthropy and academia as well as influencers to showcase and recognise the positive impact they have on society. The platform is designed to help us think where wealth will be generated and how we can participate for the benefit of mankind and our shared future.

Tickets Prices in USD

Additional Information

For more details , please contact:
Daisy Wang
Programme Manager
+86 10 5869 4641

Moira Zhan
+86 10 5869 4670

Wealth & Society 2019