Rising Female Founder Stars | TOA23 Satellite

It is time to shine a light on early-stage female founders, who no one talks about. This event has already become legendary in Berlin!

After a pandemics break, we are hosting this event again as part of TOA satellite events. This evening we will uncover many inspiring stories of rising female founder stars! Who are they? What do they think? What was their motivation to become entrepreneurs?

7 female founders will share their authentic stories in 10 minutes of inspirational talk each. Follow rising female founder stars on their entrepreneurial journey and learn from their firsthand and authentic experience. Such stories you never read in magazines or newspapers. Get to know them and get inspired. Also, networking after an energizing event will help you connect better with the speakers and expand your community of supporters.

It will be the seventh edition of the “Rising Female Founder Stars” satellite event at Tech Open Air Berlin. Every time, we are super excited to see the crowd of courageous and dedicated people at this outstanding event.

FAQ: Can men join? Of course, everyone with an open mind and heart is welcome!


Val Racheeva, Founder & CEO at Female Founder Space // Anna Franziska Michel, CEO & Co-Founder of yoona.ai // Tasneem Balasinorwala, Co-Founder of PowerSouth // Anna Stelmaszewska, Founder of Wolf Mothers // Wenmin Ji, Founder of lilaDot // Joanna Stoffregen, Founder of Labsbit.ai // Amelia Bryant, Co-Founder & COO of Co-Tasker // Anca Muntean, Co-Founder of Yourequal

This event one of TOA23's satellite events happening in Berlin from July 4 - 7. Check out the full program here.



July 5th, 2023

5:30pm – 7:30pm CEST
General Admission