Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner (English)

From Fortune 100 companies to start-ups, Scrum@Scale is a framework suitable for all kinds of businesses that want to work Agile. With Scrum@Scale you can efficiently coordinate an unlimited number of Scrum Teams using a scale-free architecture. Scrum@Scale was created by Jeff Sutherland, one of Scrum's co-creators. During these two days, you will learn everything you need to know about scaling Scrum according to this framework.

This class is guaranteed to run.

Scrum@Scale Practitioner training by Gereon Hermkes

From Fortune 100 companies to start-ups, Scrum@Scale is a framework suitable for all kinds of businesses that want to work Agile. With Scrum@Scale you can efficiently coordinate an unlimited number of Scrum Teams using a scale-free architecture. Scrum@Scale was created by Jeff Sutherland, one of Scrum's co-creators. During these two days, you will learn everything you need to know about scaling Scrum according to this framework.


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Aktan Aktas, Principal at P3 Group

Having participated in several of Gereon‘s trainings, I can attest to the fact they are always very engaging and thought-provoking. His great strength lies in interweaving theory and practice. What can be dry theory with other teachers quickly comes to live through interesting exercises and anecdotes from his experience as an Agile Coach, which I am able to use when working with my clients. He deeply believes in Scrum and practices what he preaches.

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Alexis Hue, Venture Partner at Via ID

Instead of boring people with abstract theoretical lectures on agility, Gereon has a fantastic way of teaching Scrum by helping the students to experience the material themselves and therefore internalize it. Especially helpful are the practical anecdotes from his own experience that make the Scrum framework very easily digestible. You will come out of the training not only knowing much more about Scrum but also being more about Scrum.

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Stefan Balabanow, Senior Sales Manager Operations at Seven Ventures

I deeply appreciated that instead of going through a fixed program, Gereon adapted the class to the diverse background of the participants to make the class interesting for everyone. As someone that was new to Scrum and also from a business background among a lot of technical people this made me feel right at home. I loved that we did a lot of practical exercises that – in contrast to many other trainings that I attended – were actually fun to do. Would definitely recommend!
