SW Regional Conference ETS/EPS 2023
The 2023 Southwest Region ETS and EPS meeting will be held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on March 24–25. The theme of the conference is "Kingdom of God." Andrew Abernethy will be the plenary speaker.
Tickets Prices in USD
Additional Information
Lodging available on the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary campus at the Riley Center. For a discounted rate at the Riley Center, visit the following link: https://hotels.cloudbeds.com/reservation/peSv29?allotment_block_code=b107941#checkin=2023-03-24&checkout=2023-03-26. Discounted rates are available until March 13, 2023.
Travel Grants
Please note that the Southwest Region of ETS/EPS has available travel grants for student members who register to participate in the region’s conference. Eligible students must travel at least 100 miles for the conference. Available travel grants are for a maximum of $200. If awarded, the travel grant monies will be provided at the Southwest Region meeting. Students will need to provide information regarding pursued degree, institutional affiliation, and travel distance. The deadline to submit an application is March 3, 2023. Submit application to https://forms.gle/Vj8YiQjSf5fR5SuB6.