Mirror Conf 2017

MirrorConf is a conference that merges the world of design and front-end. It’s curated and organized by front-end developers and web designers and aims to be a conversation between people in this industry. It will be held in an informal setting and laid back environment, with a broad range of speakers, from UX to Accessibility experts, sharing knowledge and experiences with the participants.


The conference will take place once again in the beautiful city of Braga, Portugal’s third biggest city, with an incredible history and a fantastic University. Braga can be described as an ancient, historic city, filled with young people determined to make a difference. We have great tech companies here, with significant international relevance, as well as young companies and startups.


We are still getting things in shape, for now, we'd like to announce we will have workshops with some of the finest experts in the industry! You can already see the dream list of speakers that we are gathering on the website, and know that we are launching a Call For Proposals (CFPs) to talk on MirrorConf.

More info: www.mirrorconf.com


Register interest

Event map

Additional Information

Can I get VAT exemption?

Unfortunately, Portuguese laws don't allow VAT exemption for conferences.

Can I have an invoice?

Sure, when you finish the payment process you will be able to download a PDF (with any additional info you might need).

Part of a Community, Group or Meetup?

Send us an email and we will shoot you a discount.

Who's organizing the event?

This is a conference organized by Subvisual and Friends.