good to great: a storytelling with data mini-workshop

In this energizing and interactive LIVE session, best-selling author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic demonstrated how to transform graphs from acceptable to exceptional and weave disparate data together into compelling, action-inspiring stories. 

While the mini-workshop has already taken place, you can catch the full recording of the session, including the Q&A period that followed, on our YouTube channel at:


Additional Information

In addition to this free mini-workshop, storytelling with data has a wide range of in-person and virtual learning offerings available, from one-hour webinars through full-day, fully customized workshops. Our data storytellers can work with you and your organization to create an engaging, fun, and motivational learning experience that incorporates your own real-world data. Use the links at right to get in touch with us or to learn more about what storytelling with data can create for you!