Startup Dodgeball Barcelona 2017

Do you have the balls for

What you need to compete and sign-up

  • A team of min. 6 and max. 10 players (10 players is best as you might get 4 more players in after a round started
  • Energy and a good mood

Please note

The bare cost of setting up this event increased from last year. We are also planning to play on two courts this time (as a few people had requested last year to being able to play more games).

Please kindly ask your finance dept or CEO for their/his payment details. If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to Andree.

"We Have The Balls" Ticket:

The ticket for your team (1 per team). A team plays with at least 6 and 10 players max. at a time. However, you can join with as many people as you like.

Please have the following at hand before you continue (nothing is fully set in stone but we need some details): 1. What is the team name? 2. Who is the team lead? 3. Who will play? 4. Link to company logo

Supporter Ticket

Your company name/logo will be added to every piece of communication as well as our website. You also get the chance to talk to the crowd during the welcome note at the event.


Additional Information

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