SoCraTes Day Berlin 2018

Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals
(from the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship)

Join us for the second SoCraTes Day Berlin happening on September 15, 2018 from 8:30 until 17:00 at Leanovate GmbH! A full day OpenSpace unconference for all craftspeople, be it aspiring or experienced.

If you want to participate in the lottery, please click on "Join the waitinglist"! The first lottery drawing will happen on July 28. Scroll down for more information, especially our Code of Conduct and Priority Tickets.

In the spirit of all the other SoCraTes Unconferences and Days, we'll be doing an OpenSpace unconference. This means that there will be no conference schedule upfront. Instead, you, the participants, create the schedule in the morning of the conference.

Bring your topics and we take care of the rest! Do you want to talk about your agile process or try out a new workshop format? Maybe show off your latest pet project in Elm? Or do you want to know how to learn a particular language? Monads maybe? Or want to brew the perfect coffee with other coffee afficiandos? Whatever happens is the only thing that could happen, and whoever comes is the right person for your session!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and check out last years #socratesber17 hashtag!


Event map

Additional Information


We're not charging for tickets except for a deposit, which will be fully refunded if you show up on the event. The publicly available tickets are limited to 30 tickets. We have additional tickets reserved for international guests and for people of underindexed groups in tech. During the registration process, you can signal that your part of either/both groups. We trust that you know best if either/both applies to you.

The first winners will be drawn on July 28. You then have 24 hours to make the deposit and claim your ticket, otherwise the next person will be drawn at random.

Code of Conduct

We are dedicated to create a conference where everybody can learn, teach, share, network and have a good time. And we need your help to achieve that. We expect you to behave according to our Code of Conduct - both at the conference and in all discussions around the conference (online and offline).

Please read our full code of conduct before buying a ticket, discussing online and before coming to the conference. But please don't feel intimidated by it - these are simple rules, and they will make life better for everyone at the conference.

If someone tells you that they were harmed by what you said or did, stand back, believe them and take a moment to reflect. Even if you find yourself not understanding their reasoning, your best reply to that is taking a deep breath and just saying "sorry". That's the base line of mindfulness and empathy we'd like to see at the conference.

Why we have a CoC

We are dedicated to create a conference where everybody can learn, teach, share, network and have a good time. This can only work when we are inclusive to the largest number of contributors and when we create an environment where everybody feels safe and welcome.

CoC Violations

If you think someone has violated our code of conduct - even if you were not directly involved, like you just overheard a conversation - please:

  • Let the person know that what they did is not appropriate and ask them to stop.
  • Contact the organizers of SoCraTes Days Berlin.

Possible actions we will take include:

  • Give a warning
  • Have a longer talk about our values
  • Expel the perpetrator from the conference without a refund
  • Call the authorities

Safe Environment

We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).

And so we invite all those who participate in the SoCraTes Day Berlin and the community surrounding the conference to help us create safe and positive experiences for everyone. With your help, this conference can be a great experience for everyone!

  • Treat everyone professionally - Everybody at the conference is a professional in their field. - Treat all attendees as equals. Ask before you teach. Do not explain things without being asked - The person you are talking to right now might know more or different things about the topic than you!
  • Be welcoming, friendly, and patient. - Give people the benefit of doubt. Ask questions before jumping to conclusions.
  • Be respectful. - Not all of us will agree with each other all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack.
  • Be aware of the effect your words may have on others. - We are a community of professionals, and we conduct ourselves professionally. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment, and other exclusionary behavior aren't acceptable.
  • Be careful with jokes. - We do not tolerate any CoC violations, even if “it was just a joke”.
  • Admit when you do not know something. - Encourage others to admit when they do not know something - and never joke about it. We are all here to learn.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment, and other exclusionary behaviour. Deliberate intimidation and threats.
  • Aggressive or sexualized language and content. Unwanted sexual advances.
  • Insulting or putting down other participants. Personal or political attacks.
  • Publishing or telling others that a participant belongs to a particular identity channel without asking their consent first.
  • Well-actuallies: Telling people what they “actually meant to say”.
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

Need Help?

If you need help, have any further questions or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. At the venue, phone numbers of the organizers will be published so you can reach out to them easily.

Contact Contact @SoCraTesDay_BER (send a direct message)

This CoC is heavily borrowed from SoCraTes Day Linz.


Not much of a schedule here, remember it's an OpenSpace ;-) The conference will start at 8:30 with a short introduction to the format and the opening of the marketplace. We will close the conference by 17:30.

Food and Drinks

There will be free breakfast & lunch sponsored by Leanovate. The food will be healthy and vegetarian. Please note additional dietary requirements and allergies in your registration form and we will either provide a full lunch for you or get in contact with you to find a solution.

No alcohol will be provided during the event until after the final retrospective. Alcoholic beverages might be visible in the venue, but participants are asked to not have any during the event. Informal and unofficial gatherings after the event might include alcoholic beverages.


Leanovate Logo

We're excited to have Leanovate host us again. Their office has a room for every session format you can imagine! Additionally, they are also sponsoring all food and beverages for the event.

The venue is on a higher floor but has an elevator. Please ring the bell if you prefer to use it. Please be aware that the bathrooms are not accessible with a wheelchair. All bathrooms are single unisex cabins.

Public transport is pretty decent in Berlin. Some routes to the venue below, depending on from where you come from:

  • Motel One Spittelmarkt: Bus 248 (S Südkreuz) till Blücherplatz
  • Motel One Berlin Mitte: 20 minutes walk or Bus 140 (S+U Tempelhof) from Prinzenstr./Ritterstr. till Urbanstr./Baerwaldstr.
  • Berlin SXF Airport: Train S45 (S Südkreuz) till S Köllnische Heide, then Bus M41 (S+U Hauptbahnhof) till Tempelherrenstr.
  • Berlin TXL Airport: Bus TXL till Hauptbahnhof, then see below.
  • Berlin Central Station: Bus M41 (Sonnenallee/Baumschulenstr.) till Tempelherrenstr.
  • Berlin Alexanderplatz: Bus 248 (S Südkreuz) till Blücherplatz
  • Next subway stations: U-Bhf Gneisenaustraße (U7) and U-Bhf Hallesches Tor (U1, U6)


Please note that due to the "Berlin Marathon" on Sunday, September 16th, no hotel could reserve a quota for us (like we did last year). We can recommend Motel1 if you're looking for a reasonable price. There's a direct bus connection from Motel One Spittelmarkt to Leanovate, Berlin-Mitte is a 20 minutes walk too.