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Now, when it comes to the SimCon Awards, we need your help. You may recall last year, we made the very clear point that these are intended to recognise the unsung heroes of our community and industry. There’s one rule – you cannot nominate yourself!

It therefore follows that you cannot buy dinner packages or advertising, and doing so won’t affect your chance of winning. We want these to mean something to those who receive them, especially when those people/businesses/projects are, almost by definition, the kind who are too humble or busy to nominate themselves for other industry awards! We’d love to heard from you if you can make any nominations we should consider. You may also want to watch the video of last year’s event (below) – contrary to what we say on there, live stream viewers ended up well over 500 in addition to those in the room. We want to hit 4 digits this year!

Watch the SimCon Awards from last year!

We’re taking the step of moving to formal ticketing. We’re offering a simple rate which includes the hotel room, all meals at the event, the Awards bar (within reason) and parking. We’re subsidising the event to ensure it is accessible for as many of you as possible, and trying to make it logistically as easy as possible for you. The all-inclusive rate will be £200 (plus VAT) per delegate. Those who wish to just turn up to some or all of the event without accommodation, are welcome and the ticket price for that is £100 (plus VAT).