Learn more about Debugging and In-Memory Event Resequencing

On May 10, join SF Python and learn more about debugging and In-Memory Event Resequencing. Our generous sponsor Yelp will also provide pizza and beer for the evening.

Lightning talks:

If you'd like to give a lightning talk, sign-up here.

Talk #1: The Glory of pdb's set_trace


Everyone needs to debug code, and it can take up a non-trivial portion of our time to wait for code to complete execution and write print messages to stdout. There’s one function in particular in the python debugger (pdb) library that can give you a much clearer understanding of what’s going on in your code, much more quickly; pdb.set_ trace(). In this talk, we’ll identify the most useful things you can do when you use set trace, that can make debugging exponentially more efficient and enjoyable.


Nicole Zuckerman is a software engineer at Clover Health, where she writes the endpoints and data pipelines to help surface better health care for members. She's also deeply invested in effectively on-boarding entry-level engineers, and improving diversity and inclusion in tech. In her free time, Nicole is an avid dancer and teacher, sci-fi book fanatic, soul and jazz aficionado, and cheese lover. She holds an MA in English Literature and Women's Studies from the University of Liverpool.

Talk #2: In-Memory Event Resequencing: Realistic Testing For Impossible Bugs


As we all know, we should write testable code, and automated tests. But as we also know, no test plan survives contact with the real world. Complex, distributed systems fail in complex, distributed ways, and even the simplest web app today is a complex distributed system. So, as our code accrues little fixes to bugs that only show up in production, our test suites eventually either become slow integration testing monstrosities that are "realistic" but flaky and unreliable, or useless piles of mocks which are fast and deterministic but don't give you confidence.

In this talk, we'll explore how to leverage event-driven programming, or "async I/O", to structure code in such a way that its tests are fast, realistic, and reliable, even in the face of horrible race-conditions you only discover in production.


Glyph is a Python programmer.

Although most well-known for being the original founder of the Twisted project, Glyph has also worked on massively multiplayer online games, dynamic web applications, enterprise information management software, and created or contributed to dozens of open source projects. He has run Python programs, and written Python programs to be run, on mainframes, on custom-built embedded devices, and just about everything in between.


6:00p - Check-in and mingle, with food provided by our generous sponsor Yelp!

7:05p - Welcome

7:10p - Announcements, lightning talks and main talks

7:30p - Doors Close

8:20p - More mingling

9:30p - Hard Stop

SF Python is run by volunteers aiming to foster the Python community in the Bay Area. Please consider making a donation to SF Python and saying a big thank you to Yelp for providing pizza, beer, and the venue for this Wednesday's meetup.

Yelp sees 89 million mobile users and 79 million desktop users every month. Keeping everything running smoothly requires the best and brightest in the industry. Their engineers come from diverse technical backgrounds and value digital craftsmanship, open-source, and creative problem-solving. They write tests, review code, and push multiple times a day. Come out and talk to them.

Tickets Prices in USD


April 12th, 2017

6:00pm – 9:30pm PDT
SF Python Meetup

Additional Information

  1. Doors open at 6:00pm. Please wait outside without blocking the building entrance. Security will stop admitting guests at 7:30p.

  2. Wait-listed folks or those without a tito registration will be admitted after 6:45pm if we have not met our venue's capacity limit.

  3. Please park your bikes on the street.