SES Virtual Technical Meeting
The SES virtual Technical Meeting is scheduled to take place from 8:00 am on Sep 29 to 6:00 pm on Oct 1, 2020 (Eastern Daylight Time). It is envisioned to keep the SES community connected during the hiatus created by Covid-19, to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, and to showcase the latest research in the field. The conference consists of live plenary lectures, invited talks, posters, video recordings, a career development panel discussion, and a SES virtual reception.
All participants need to register through the current website. The registration fee is $75, and it is inclusive of a one-year SES membership. This registration fee further helps the society defray the costs for establishing and maintaining the virtual platform for the conference. It also entitles the registered participants to all plenary lectures and keynote talks, all technical sessions of the conference, as well as the poster/video sessions.
After payment, the participants will receive a web-link from Morressier within a week for uploading their accepted video/poster presentation(s). No further action will be required for participants who are invited to present only live talks and for participants without contribution.
Tickets Prices in USD
September 29th, 2020
September 30th, 2020
October 1st, 2020
Additional Information
Important Dates
Abstract submission: July 24 – August 26
Notification of acceptance: before August 30
Payment of registration fees: August 31 – September 11
Video/poster submission: August 11 – September 21
Registration without contribution: July 31 – October 1
SES Virtual Technical Meeting: September 29 – October 1
The Conference Organizers
Chair: Hanqing Jiang, Arizona State University
Co-Chairs: Markus Buehler, MIT
Arif Masud, UIUC
Dennis Kochmann, ETH Zurich
Yihui Zhang, Tsinghua University
Communications: Anna Tarakanova, UConn