International Clojure Data Science Meetup

A meetup about improving the Clojure data science story. Clojure is a fantastic language for data, yet the data science ecosystem still needs some love. A bunch of us are busy with it. Join us if you have a dual crush on Clojure and data, or if you are just curious!

Making data happen with Clojure

As many of us know Clojure is a fantastic language and it is especially well suited for working with data. Yet, despite many good efforts over the years, the ecosystem is still missing some pieces to make Clojure an accessible and an easy go-to choice when working with Data Science and adjacent domains. Did you know there is a small but determined group trying to improve this data science story with Clojure? Recently the group has been discussing ways to build and strengthen the community and reflecting on the insight that even though most of the work happens remotely, face to face meetups are key to boost and grow a community. Few things beat the power of being able to look the other person in the eyes from time to time.

Please note if you are travelling to Berlin that ClojureD is happening on Sat 29th and BOBkonf on Fri 28th

The event will last all day starting at 09:00 and ending at 19:00 after which we are having dinner together.

The agenda

Daniel Slutsky, Ethan Zane Miller, Sami Kallinen and friends:
The emerging Clojure data science stack -- an up-to-date live demo
Martin Kavalar:
Reproducible Data Science with Nextjournal
Workshopping ideas about the future of the community
Lightning talks 10 minutes each


Contact for questions:


Event map

Additional Information

Near U8 Schönleinstr. It is in the rear building in the second courtyard on the left.