Cloud-Native & Sustainability: How and Why to Build Sustainable
Wo und Wann
Der Vortrag findet per Video-Konferenz (BlueJeans) in der Zeit von 13:30 bis 14:15 Uhr statt.
Cloud-native technologies have revolutionized the way we build and deploy applications, enabling greater scalability, flexibility, and reliability. In this talk, Nico will explore the concept of sustainability in the context of cloud-native workloads and discuss the benefits of building sustainable applications. Nico will cover best practices for designing and implementing sustainable cloud-native workloads, as well as share real-world examples. This talk will guide you through the technical details of sustainable cloud-native workloads and provide actionable steps for everyone interested in building sustainable applications in the cloud.
Nico Meisenzahl works as Head of DevOps Consulting & Operations at white duck. As Cloud Solution Architect, an elected Microsoft MVP and GitLab Hero, his current passion is for topics around Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. Nico is a frequent speaker at conferences, user group events, and Meetups in Europe and the United States.
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