AI Saturdays Santiago de Chile 2ª Edición

Aprende Inteligencia Artificial durante 12 sábados de 9.00h a 14.00h, terminando con un Demo Day para mostrar tu proyecto de IA.

AI Saturdays Santiago de Chile forma parte del movimiento #AISaturdays, una iniciativa global sin ánimo de lucro con la misión de hacer accesible la IA a cualquier persona realizando proyectos con impacto social.

When: 2021 (to be determined)


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Event map

Additional Information

Saturdays AI is a non-profit association, a community and global movement, committed to promoting education in Artificial Intelligence through quality content and with the rigor of the best universities. A way to make this technology accessible to everyone through the development of projects with social impact. Currently Saturdays AI is already active in +30 cities around the world 🌍 AI Saturdays Alicante has the mission to promote the knowledge of this technology and train professionals about #AI through a practical training methodology, beyond conventional education by promoting study groups on:

  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Deep Learning (DL)

"Practice, Projects, People"

What do you need to know before you start?

  • In the first half of the course, we follow a "code2learn" approach, where we explain the theory of the different algorithms, accompanied by exercises to learn the basics of Machine Learning.
  • In the second half of the course, until the demonstration day, we move on to the "build2learn" phase, where our #AIFellows work to build a project with real impact by helping each other in a collaborative way.
  • Finally, in the DemoDay we present the IA projects in order to have a social impact.

The entrance fee includes breakfast during the sessions, merchandising and educational resources. Its cost is entirely destined to cover the expenses of the program. Therefore, a commitment to attendance and continuous self-learning is a prerequisite for participants to create an involved community and make this a unique experience.