RubyKaigi 2024

RubyKaigi is the world's largest international conference on the Ruby programming language.


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Additional Information

Register here for RubyKaigi 2024!

RubyKaigi 2024 is an in-person only conference

RubyKaigi 2024 doesn't offer remote attendance option and live streams. But as usual, we'll record all sessions and will upload to YouTube after the conference.

Social Events

We're updating this page as new event comes out. The official party is sold separately.

Lunch options

We encourage you to go restaurants around Naha city. You'll find many options available around the venue, for instance, Kokusai-dori street (国際通り).

Note that unlike RubyKaigi 2022 and 2023, we're not planning to run lunch voucher program this year. As a last resort option, limited number of bento boxes is available onsite.


Our nursery sponsor, STORES, is providing childcare program for all attendees. Register from the page below:

Update: Application is now closed.

More Information

Refund Policy

All sales are final and no refunds will be offered to participants who cancel. You can transfer your ticket to someone else at your own responsibility.

Discount Options

Ruby Committers

Ruby core team members are invited to RubyKaigi 2024. Please follow the instruction that we sent to ruby-core mailing list.


RubyKaigi 2024 speakers will get free admission to RubyKaigi 2024. Please follow the instruction that we sent to you.


Our sponsorship package includes invitation tickets; Invitation tickets are available at our sponsorship portal, so check there or ask your colleague who has access.

As of January 2024, all sponsorship applications are not finalized. For attendees in such sponsors; especially Ruby and Platinum sponsors, wait Februrary 2024 for finalization of your sponsorship and number of invitations, and instruction.

Note: Registrations made with invitation discount code may be shared with your admins (who has access to sponsorship portal).


Register with [Student] ticket. If able, use your school-issued email address when register.

All attendees with a [Student] ticket must bring your student ID or any proof of your academic status to reception.

Other information


You can retrieve receipts from order confirmation email. Our receipts are issued from Nihon Ruby-no-kai (一般社団法人日本Rubyの会) and are a qualified invoice for Japanese Consumption Tax (適格請求書).

Who are we

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact us at!