RubyConf 2024

RubyConf is three days of talks, workshops, hack-a-thon based activities, and community engagement sessions on the technical aspects of the Ruby language. In addition to workshops and talks, there will be social and networking events happening throughout the week.

RubyConf tickets are sold online. Early bird ticket sales end on July 31 at 5 PM GMT. All other ticket sales end on Monday, Nov 12th, 2024, at midnight. Tickets will be sold at the door but will be subject to on-site prices. To purchase a ticket for someone else, please refer to the FAQ for more information.

Tito has a two-step process for purchasing tickets. After you have input your payment details and submitted payment:

  1. Assign your ticket (to yourself, someone else, or leave unassigned)
  2. Enter personal details

Your registration is complete once both steps are done.

Tickets Prices in USD

Event map

Additional Information

Refund Policy

Refunds are not available after 48 hours from purchase. You may sell your own ticket and re-assign to another individual after the refund policy deadline has passed.

Cancellation and refunds that fall within the 48 hour period for in-person RubyConf tickets are required to submit a request via Refund Request Form. A timestamp is collected when filling the form.