Rails Camp 25

Spend a weekend connecting with fellow Rubyists by sharing knowledge, hacking together and watching the sun set over the ocean. Bring a project, join a project, share your favourite Rails hacks and roast a marshmallow or 6.


Event map

Additional Information

Diversity Scholarship Program

Do you identify as belonging to a group or groups under-represented at technology events, and would you like a little help to attend Rails Camp 25? Applications for our diversity program are now open!

Thanks to MYOB, our sponsors for the program, we are able to offer two full scholarships to Rails Camp Perth, which cover your full ticket and include a travel stipend to help you get there.

Code of Conduct

Rails Camp 25 is organised by Ruby Australia and all attendees are expected to follow the code of conduct. If you believe someone is violating the code of conduct we ask that you please report it to one of the event organisers, or email conduct@ruby.org.au.


Photo of Woodman Point at Sunset by James Collins