Rails Camp Perth 2014

The final Rails Camp for 2014 will be in Perth at the amazing Woodman Point Recreation Camp. This Google Image Search gives some insight into the beauty and awesomeness of the location and the venue.

There is no ballot for this Rails Camp. We have 260 beds available, so everyone should fit in nicely. There are some spots to pitch tents, but because we pay per-person for the venue, it's not any cheaper than a bed.

Buses will be available either from the Airport, or from the CBD (location is yet to be determined) at 5:00pm in the afternoon on the Friday. We'll ask you during the ticket process where you'd like to be picked up from.

The bus will be leaving Woodman Point at 9:30am on Monday morning, heading back to either the CBD or the Airport. We need to be ready to leave at 9:15am to give us time to load up the luggage and make sure we leave on time. Journey time to the Airport is 45 minutes, to be safe assume we'll get there around 10:30am, then have to unload.

If you or you're company is interested in sponsoring the event, or a couple of student tickets, please get in contact with me. These sorts of events can only happen with the support of the amazing companies in our community.

Also, did we mention a flying fox and indoor climbing wall?


Additional Information

Imagine yourself and a posse of like-minded ruby hackers on a country retreat with zero internet for a weekend of fun (you'll probably have 3G access, but let's just pretend like there's no internet). You'll laugh, hack, learn, cry (well, you probably won’t cry… but you know… it felt poetic) and most likely play a crap-load of Werewolf.

By attending the camp, you agree to the Ruby Australia Code of Conduct