Yoga in the Lanes, before brightonSEO - Thurs 14th & Fri 15th Sept 2023

Yoga in the Lanes, 67 Middle Street, Brighton BN1 1AL

7.30am - 8.30am Thursday 14th September

6.30pm - 7.30pm Thursday 14th September

7.30am - 8.30am Friday15th September

We'll run sessions on Thursday morning and evening, and Friday morning - select your preferred session when you register your ticket.

** As spaces are limited, please only book for a single day. **

Kick off or end your brightonSEO day with a sense of calm and focus with a session of yoga in the heart of Brighton's iconic Lanes.

The class is led by experienced local yoga instructors.

Studio provides mats, props, use of shower/hairdryer/facilities 15 minutes prior to class & 30 minutes after.

Please please please only book if you 100% plan on attending. Spaces are limited to 15 people and no-shows result in people not being able to do it.