Roguelike Celebration: Casual San Francisco Hangout 2023

A casual, in person afternoon of conversations about roguelikes and related topics, including procedural generation and game design. It's for fans, players, developers, scholars, and everyone else!

We are meeting at South Park - NOT Yerba Buena Gardens! It is on S Park Street between 2nd St and 3rd Street; we'll meet near the 2nd St entrance, where we have a few picnic tables reserved.

We will have available snacks (at a communal table) as well as name/pronoun tags. Feel free to bring your own! We have a small number of seats, and a larger green area, so feel free to bring blankets or jackets to sit on (and keep warm if it gets chilly when the sun sets!)

There is no public restroom at South Park, but a coffee shop with a restroom is open at 2nd and S Park Street. Feel free to ask Kawa for spare change to order something at the coffee shop.

This event is outdoor, rain or shine. We don't have the means to verify vaccination and COVID testing status, but ask you to keep others in mind and stay home if you feel unwell or think you may have been in contact with someone with COVID. Masking and social distancing is encouraged during the event.

Please note our Code of Conduct. The in-person moderators for this event are Alexei Pepers, Kawa Teaño, and Qristy Overton. If you have a report or concern related to an organizer, please contact a different organizer, or email



March 19th, 2023

3:00pm – 6:00pm PDT