Building Microservices Architectures with Node.js

In this 3-day-long training, you will learn how you can build or move your architecture to properly built microservices in an enterprise environment. You will understand the benefits and challenges of microservice architectures, know how to transform your monolithic into separate microservices, and the best practices to keep your architecture secure, reliable and properly monitored.

More information on the RisingStack Engineering blog.


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Day 1 - Introduction to Microservices
  • Why microservices?
  • Microservice basics
  • Node.js basics: module system, async programming, error handling, tooling
  • Building APIs with koa/hapi
Day 2 - Building Microservices
  • Microservices at scale - design for failure
    • Circuit breakers, bulkheads
    • Idempotency
  • Scaling
  • Caching: server, proxy, client
  • Documenting microservices
Day 3 - UIs and Testing
  • Microservices with UIs and how to secure them
  • Testing microservices

Feel free to get in touch with any questions: