Rapha Hong Kong Festive 500

500 kilometres. Eight days. Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve.

An annual rite of passage for cyclists the world over, the Festive 500 is now in its thirteenth year and challenges cyclists to ride 500km in 8 days between 24th-31st December. Just like any worthwhile undertaking, going the distance in December is tough no matter where you ride.

Download your Festive 500 brevet and challenge card here.


The Hong Kong Chapter of Rapha Cycling Club (RCCHKG) will host several open rides that start or finish at our Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse to help you accumulating more distance in your Festive 500 journey.

Please see below ticket sections and register from there. RCC members please sign up in the RCC app.


To further spice things up and add some fun to the challenge, we are also inviting you to join the Festive 500 Points Challenge Hong Kong that is OPEN TO EVERYONE! Apart from finishing the Festive 500 on Strava which is a prerequisite for qualifying for the points challenge, we have prepared 6 unique tasks await you on your Festive 500 journey. The more tasks you complete, the more chances you get in the draw to win exciting prizes from Rapha.

Task 1:

Include our Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse and any ONE of the Rapha Partner Cafes / Restaurants within the eight days as cafe stops on your rides, take a selfie there and share on social. See below as a full listing of our Partner Cafes / Restaurants in Hong Kong.

(a) Catch, Sai Ying Pun;

(b) Catch, Quarry Bay;

(c) Elementary, Tai Hang;

(d) N1 Coffee & Co., Wan Chai;

(e) Tuckshop by Social Club, Sai Ying Pun;

(f) Bench Cafe, Tsuen Wan;

(g) Cafe Sausalito, Sham Shui Po;

(h) Years, Sham Shui Po;

(i) The Park by Years, Sham Shui Po;

(j) Friends of Years, Tsuen Wan;

(k) Be with Years, Hung Hom;

(l) Hokkaido 3.6 Milk Cake, Jordan;

(m) July Coffee & Co., Sham Tseng;

(n) Craps Cafe, Shek Mun;

(o) PitStop, Shatin;

(p) The Third, Yuen Long;

(q) The Peloton, Tsueng Kwan O;

(r) Wan Land Cafe, Tai Kok Tsui;

Task 2:

Get off the road, in a good way of course! Include some gravel on at least one of your Festive 500 rides and take a selfie while you're at it. There are several good ones near Yuen Long, Sheung Shui or Lantau Island. Of course you can explore your own and show us on social!

Task 3:

Ride at least 130km in a single ride on one of your Festive 500 rides.

Task 4:

Ride at least 1,000m elevation in 2 consecutive Festive 500 rides.

Task 5:

Complete Festive 500 in 5 consecutive days of riding or less.

Task 6:

Long or short, explore or commute, bring cycling into your life and ride everyday within the Festive 500 period and share your rides on social with the Festive 500 visual by EPICA.


The successful completion of each task accounts for one point and a chance into the prize draw to win the following prizes*:

Grand Prize: One set of Rapha Kit (Pro Team Training Jersey, Pro Team Bib Shorts, Socks)

2nd Prize: A RCC Membership

3rd Prize: A Rapha Backpack

4th Prize: An Essential Case

5th Prize: A pair of Rapha Bidons

RCC Special Prize: Customised Festive 500 accessories


Only participants that complete all tasks will qualify for the Grand Prize draw.

A prize of an equivalent value will be selected in the case where the winner already is a RCC member.

Only RCC members that complete all tasks will qualify for the RCC Special Prize draw.

Completing Task 3, 4, 5 and present your Strava records to our baristas will bring you extra offerings at Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse Cafe. Details can be checked in store.


You can log your completed challenges HERE to get into the prize draw.

The form will open on 1st January 2023 after Festive 500 is over.

We wish you the very best on your Festive 500 journey!

Have fun, stay safe and be kind to one another.

Don't forget to tag @Rapha_Asia and @Rapha_HongKong with hashtag #Festive500 to share your stories with us!

Have a lovely Festive 500!


500 公里・ 8 天・12 月 24 - 31 日。 全世界大家最愛的歲末佳節騎乘挑戰活動回來了。

Festive 500 一開始只是某個人風雪無阻的個人騎車挑戰。但在後續的 12 年裡,它卻演變發展成全球各地騎士的歲末騎車活動盛典。請加入我們一起騎乘 Festive 500,共創難忘的歲末年終假期回憶。

RCCHKG Festive 500 Open Rides

RCCHKG 將在我們的 Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse 舉辦多場公開騎行活動,幫助您在 Festive 500 旅程中積累更多距離。

請參閱下面的Ticket部分並從那裡註冊。 RCC 會員請在 RCC App中註冊。

Rapha Hong Kong Festive 500 Points Challenge

現在我們向全香港的單車愛好者發出挑戰!除了完成 Strava上的Festive 500 Challenge 為先決條件外,我們還準備了以下6項節日騎乘任務等待您能在您的Festive 500之旅中完成。完成的任務越多,抽獎的次數越多,獲得獎品的機會越大。


在八天的Festive 500之旅期間,騎車到訪Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse及任何 *一間 * Rapha RCC Partner Cafe為您的旅程作補給,並在社交平台上分享在那裏享用咖啡或用餐的照片自拍照。您可以點擊 此處 查看我們在香港的Rapha RCC Partner Cafe完整列表。

任務 2:

在任何一次 Festive 500 騎行路線中,包含一些礫石路段 (Gravel Sector) ,並在騎至該路段的時候自拍及分享到社交平台。新界北如上水、元朗,甚至是大嶼山及南丫島也有不少有趣的礫石路段。當然,您也可以自己探索並在社交平台上展示給我們!

任務 3:

在您的 Festive 500 騎行中,單次騎行至少 130 公里。

任務 4:

在連續 2 次 Festive 500 騎行中,兩次騎行也有至少 1,000m 海拔提升。

任務 5:

在連續 5 天或更少的騎行中完成 Festive 500。

任務 6:

不論距離長短,訓練、探索或通勤,我們希望您能夠將單車融入生活,在 Festive 500 期間能夠每天騎行,並通過 EPICA 的 Festive 500 Visual 在社交上分享您的騎行。


騎行500公里絕非易事。 而如果您能夠在我們的Points Challenge中每完成一項任務,便會得到一次抽獎機會。完成的任務越多,抽獎的次數越多,獲得更豐富獎品的機會越大。

大獎: Rapha 騎行套裝一套 (Pro Team Training Jersey, Pro Team Bib Shorts, Socks)

2nd Prize: RCC 會藉一份

3rd Prize: Rapha Backpack一個

4th Prize: Rapha Essential Case一個

5th Prize: Rapha Bidons 兩個

RCC Special Prize: Customised Festive 500 accessories


如果得獎者已經是 RCC 會員,得獎者將有權選擇其他相等價值的Rapha商品為獎品。

參加者必須是RCC會員並完成所有任務才有資格參加RCC 特別獎抽獎。


您可以在此處記錄已完成的挑戰以參加抽獎。 該表格將於 2023 年 1 月 1 日在 Festive 500 結束後開放。

我們祝您在 Festive 500 之旅中一切順利!




Event map

Additional Information


  • Participants agree to be bound by these terms and that the decision of Rapha Racing Limited is final and binding in all matters relating to this challenge.
  • To participate, riders MUST agree to the Rapha Riding Guidelines in Terms and Conditions. All riders must abide by traffic rules and safe distancing guidelines at ALL TIMES!
  • Participants must sign up for the Festive 500 Strava Challenge and complete Festive 500, ride 500km from 24th-31st December 2022, to be eligible for this challenge.
  • Both indoor and outdoor rides will be accepted, all rides must be logged on to Strava.
  • Each task can only be done once and cannot be repeated in a participant’s Festive 500 journey. Completion of each task will only be counted once and no points will be added for completing the same task a second time.
  • The registration form will open on 1st January 2023 and close on 3rd January 2023, riders will need to key their points together with their relevant details in the form by 3rd January 2023 to be eligible for the draw. Entries after 3rd January 2022 will not be accepted.
  • Winners will be contacted by email and announced on the Rapha Cycling Hong Kong Fans/Chapter Facebook Page on 6th January 2023.
  • There will be only ONE winner from each prize category.
  • Respective prize winners will need to back up their effort with relevant proof (Strava data, photographs, etc).
  • You don't need to be a RCC member to join or be an existing Rapha customer, anyone can take part, no purchase is necessary!
  • All participants must have a mask in their possession during their rides and use it on their time off the bike in line with government guidelines.
  • There are no specific routes for Festive 500, you are welcome to do any route you wish.
  • Rapha Racing Limited reserves the right to alter, amend or foreclose this draw without prior notice in the event that unforeseen circumstances make this unavoidable.
  • Employees of Rapha Racing Limited and their immediate family are not eligible for the win.