Pride Ride | Rapha 101+ x Queer Wheels (2nd of August)

Rapha 101+ x Queer Wheels Join us for an LGBTQ+ history ride around Amsterdam. We will be riding 15-20km at a very social pace with regular breaks. We will end the ride with celebratory drinks!

Rapha 101+ is our answer for those who are new to cycling or new to group riding. These rides and workshops are an open-minded platform and aim to give people who are less represented in cycling the experience they need to feel confident and excited on the bike. It's a space where no questions are wrong questions. Group size will be around 1:8 If you have any questions please swing by the clubhouse or get in contact with


  • Date: Tuesday 2nd Aug
  • Meet Up: 6:30pm
  • Roll Out: 7.00pm
  • Location: Rapha Amsterdam (wolvenstraat 10, 1016EP Amsterdam).
  • Speed: Beginners/Very Social/Party Pace

Please bring

  • Any bikes (including city bikes) welcome
  • Small repair kit: spare inner tubes, small pump & multitool for any mechanicals
  • Water
  • Clothing suitable for cycling - please check the weather
  • Snacks


Event map

Additional Information

  • By signing up for our event you agree to receive e-mails from Rapha.
  • If you can't attend the ride, please cancel your ticket at least one day ahead of the ride or send an email to