Speedvagen Fitting Tour 26 - 29 August
Speedvagen is coming to Amsterdam! Come and join one (or more) of the events. Check out the Speedvagen schedule below.
26 AUGUST - SPEEDVAGEN OPEN TOUR HOUSE - Rapha Amsterdam is the first stop of Speedvagen's Europe Fitting Tour. Join Speedvagen Saturday, August 26th to see a fleet of their latest road machines, take one for a spin and exchange some high 5s with the team. This will be a great opportunity to catch up with founder, Sacha White about his fitting philosophies, steel bicycles and even book a fitting for your very own custom race machine. There will be beer and snacks provided. TIMINGS: 17:00 - 21:00 / LOCATION: Rapha Clubhouse Amsterdam
27 AUGUST - SPEEDVAGEN FIT CLINIC AND GROUP RIDE - Come spend the day with Speedvagen This is the perfect opportunity to learn some key fit principles from Speedvagen founder, Sacha White and then head out on a ride with the Speedvagen crew and other owners to after. The Speedvagen Fit Clinic is a 3 hour course where we share our fit principles and teach you how to apply them to your own riding. The goal is not to fit you, but rather to arm you with knowledge and confidence to dial things in on your own bike over the next several months of riding; This way when you’re riding and you’re feeling pressure here, or strained muscles there, you’ll be able to think critically and dissect the issue. Join us at Rapha Amsterdam for a special fit clinic followed by a 40k ride. Plan to stick around after as Speedvagen will be treating everyone to coffee/beers after back at the Clubhouse! TIMINGS: 08:00 - 11:00 / LOCATION: Rapha Clubhouse Amsterdam
29 AUGUST - SPEEDVAGEN GROUP RIDE - Join us at Rapha Amsterdam for a longer 60km ride. Plan to stick around after as Speedvagen will be treating everyone to coffee after back at the Clubhouse! TIMINGS: 08:00 - 11:00 / LOCATION: Rapha Clubhouse Amsterdam