PyOhio 2019
The FREE annual Python programming community conference in Columbus, OH
Free Conference Registration
Please register here if you plan on attending PyOhio so we can print a badge for you ahead of time and so we can know how many people to expect.
Note: If you find that you will not be able to attend PyOhio after you've registered, please cancel your registration via the "Change Details" link on the ticket email or send a message to info@pyohio.org.
Tutorial Registration
Registration will open Monday, Jul 15 at 12:00pm ET at this page.
- Space is very limited and we ask that you register for no more than one tutorial.
- Please arrive at the room at least 10 minutes before the tutorial start time. Anyone not seated by 5 minutes before the start time will lose their spot.
- We will have a waiting list. Any spots that are open at 5 minutes before the start time will be offered to people present outside the room door in the order they are on the waitlist.
- Some tutorials have prerequisites or installation instructions. Please see the tutorial listing for details.
- If register and find you will not be able to attend, please cancel your registration or email info@pyohio.org so someone on the waiting list can take the spot.
T-shirt pre-sales are now closed. A limited number of shirts will be available on-site for a donation of $40 or more.
- T-shirts are $35?! -- Yes! We use optional t-shirts as a fundraiser in order to keep conference registration free.
- Shirts come in two cuts:
- Next Level 3600 "Cotton Crew" details and sizing chart
- Next Level 1510 "Women's Ideal Tee" details and sizing chart
- See shirt design below
- T-shirts MUST BE PICKED UP IN PERSON AT PYOHIO. We do not have the capacity to ship them. If someone other than you is picking up the shirt please enter their name when completing the t-shirt ticket info.