PyOhio 2018
The FREE annual Python programming community conference in Columbus, OH
Free Conference Registration
Please register here if you plan on attending PyOhio so we can print a badge for you ahead of time and so we can know how many people to expect.
Note: If you find that you will not be able to attend PyOhio after you've registered, please cancel your registration via the "Change Details" link on the ticket email or send a message to info@pyohio.org.
- Tutorial space is limited to 30 people each.
- Tutorials are limited to one per person for now. If classes don't fill we will announce that you can register for more than one.
- There will be a waiting list once the classes are full.
- If you find you're unable to attend, please cancel your ticket using the link in the email or send a message to info@pyohio.org
Tutorial registration will open at noon ET on Friday July 6.
See conference schedule for tutorial times and descriptions: https://www.pyohio.org/2018/schedule/
T-Shirt pre-orders have ended. Limited extras will be available for sale on-site.