Newcastle - 29.03.19
Core Competency Management of The Anxious Child
March 29th, 2019
Core Competency Training Management of The Anxious Child
Additional Information
Course Details
0830-0900 Registration
0900-0915 Introduction - Dr Philip Cunnington
0915-1015 The Nature of Anxiety
Understanding the nature and origin of anxiety Who gets anxious and why? What influences the prevalence, development and management of anxiety?
Mike Stylianou
1015-1030 Coffee
1030-1215 Communication
Basic Communication Non-verbal communication Verbal Communication Advanced Communication Advanced communication techniques Metaphor Distraction Guided imagery Magic Hypnotherapy Technology
Dr Philip Cunnington
1215-1315 Lunch
1315-1445 Anxiety Management in Practice
Teamwork How our workspace influences anxiety A detailed look at how the 4Ps and 4Ts can influence anxiety Putting it all together - a when, what and why step-by-step guide to managing anxiety
Dr Philip Cunnington
1445-1500 Coffee
1500-1545 Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Autism ADHD Developmental Delay Parents
Dr Philip Cunnington
1545-1615 Open Forum and Discussion
1615-1645 Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
What is hypnosis? Why are trance theory, covert/conversational hypnosis and suggestion important in the management of anxious children?
Mike Stylianou and Dr Philip Cunnington
1645-1700 Experiential Hypnosis Session
Mike Stylianou