An introduction to the TALL stack with FilamentPHP
We are pleased to announce the May 2024 event for PHP North East, “An introduction to the TALL stack with FilamentPHP” by Darren Glanville.
How long is that going to take and why's it going to cost me so much? This question a year and a half ago started a wider conversation about our Laravel development and the quality and consistency we as a small marketing agency were providing.
In this talk, we will look at FilamentPHP, a Laravel based set of components and share how it has helped us as a small agency change from small projects that take ages, to large projects that are rapidly produced to a high level, on budget and on time. We will discuss why we use it, the challenges we have faced and do a small demo to show what it is and what we use it for.
Darren is a Senior Web Developer working for Web Presence, a charity marketing agency based near Manchester. He moved to the north 5 years ago and never left having worked previously in outdoor adventure for 14 years before moving into web development.
Thank you to our sponsors: Land Digital and Solosoft who make our events possible.
A big thank you to Floe for allowing us to use their event space.