OPENVERSE’s 1st Expert Workshop on Virtual Worlds: most dynamic domains of application

OPENVERSE‘s consortium is inviting you to participate to the first session of a series of online expert workshops. This first edition will cover Virtual Worlds’ most dynamic domains of application.

Through this event, organised by project partners Inspiring Futures and the Big Data Value Association (BVDA), the OPENVERSE consortium partners aim to gather input from external experts and stakeholders on how virtual worlds should be developed to be functional, attractive and fulfilling the EU agenda of a human-centric and open digital ecosystem, at the same time.


  • To review the state of the art and explore the main application areas of Virtual Worlds.
  • To discuss key EU priorities in light of the offer-side diversity, with its strengths and challenges.
  • To contribute building a demand-side network, with different active and motivated communities.
  • To reinforce the common understanding of Virtual Worlds in a future-oriented perspective.


Additional Information


Master of Ceremony: Gianluca Misuraca (Inspiring Futures)

Introduction to OPENVERSE (10 min) Francesco Mureddu, Openverse Project Coordinator (The Lisbon Council)

Presentation of the workshop’s rationale and objectives (10 min) Pierre Rossel (Inspiring Futures)

Addressing Key challenges of Virtual Worlds developments and adoption (30 min with Q&A)

Human-centricity: shaping the digital world in the age of AI: its implications for Virtual Worlds Michael Barngrover (XR4Human)

The compelling need to reinforce data governance in the Virtual World and AI conjunction Paul Theyskens (My Data)

The technological edge (selected focus areas) (30 min with Q&A)

IoT as a strong shaper of Virtual Worlds Damir Filipovic (AIOTI)

The role of next generation networks (5G-6G) to boost application domains in Virtual Worlds Claudio de Majo (Trust IT)

A deep dive into the offer- and demand-side of Virtual Worlds: The emerging healthcare innovation landscape in a XR/VW perspective (10 min. presentation + Q&A) Isabella de Magny (Inspiring Futures)

Wrap-up and next steps (10 min) Pierre Rossel and Gianluca Misuraca (Inspiring Futures)

Who should participate?

  • Makers, customisers and application developers of virtual worlds
  • Demand-side organisations, from diverse communities of practice today already engaged or wishing to be engaged in virtual worlds application in their own sector of activity (education, health, security, smart cities, environment, industry, consumers’ protection, etc.)
  • Government agents and policy-makers.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).