QField Day Bern

12 November 2019 13:40 in Bern, *Gratisanlass/Événement gratuit *

QField is a highly configurable mobile data collection app. It integrates perfectly with the leading open source solution QGIS.

It's our pleasure to invite you to the first ever QField day in Bern.

During this day, you will have the possibility to see how QField is used in several highly interesting real world use cases. The talks by leading QField users span from municipality management over biodiversity monitoring to forestry and engineering. After that there will be a discussion about the current biggest advantages of QField next to the areas with room for improvement and possibilities to guarantee a sustainable and stable project.


13:30 Meet & Greet

13:45 Welcome by OPENGIS.ch

13:50 Use case presentations

  • Vogelwarte Sempach: Wie man QField mit mehreren Personen im Feld erfolgreich zum Fliegen bringt
  • Ville de Vevey: Intégration de QField dans l'IDG communale et utilisations concrètes dans les services communaux

14:40-15:10 Break

  • Oester Messtechnik: Ghostbusters · Mit QField dem Gas auf der Spur
  • Philipp Eigenmann: Waldmanagement mit QField

16:00 Round table

Hidden costs and how to make QField development sustainable

16:30 Informal discussion at the bar


Impact Hub Spitalgasse 28 3011 Bern


Event map

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