Learn to Play: Dialect

In Dialect: A Game About Language and How It Dies, you'll create your own small community's dialect and explore how that language develops within the Isolation.

New words will come from the fundamental aspects of the community: who they are, what they believe in, and how they respond to a changing world. You'll walk away with the story and the dialect you've created as a group.

3-5 players | Age 14+ | 3-4 hours

Event starts at 1pm Eastern.

Learn to Play at Opal Grove Games

Learn to Play events are a gentle introduction to games you may have been meaning to try or perhaps have never heard of. Come prepared for some instruction followed by a full play-through. Staff will teach and guide you throughout the game. If you decide to purchase the featured game on the same day, we'll apply 100% of your event entrance fee towards the cost of the game!