NWDUG 2018 Unconference
The NWDUG Unconference 2018
Additional Information
Where is the unconference?
The unconference will be held at Federation House in Manchester’s Northern Quarter.
Federation House
M4 4BF
When is the unconference?
3th November 2018, 9am - 5pm
The unconference doesn’t end there! Once the scheduled proceedings are wrapped up, we will decamp to a Roxy Ballroom to eat, drink and be merry; some of the most important discussions take place during this part of the day.
What Is An Unconference?
An unconference is the opposite of a conference. Where a conference has a schedule of talks planned in advance, an unconference starts with no agenda until the attendees, not the organisers, determine one.
Everyone is encouraged to bring a talk to the event, with the day having 30 minute slots including time for questions, and time for people to change rooms ready for the next talk to begin.
The focus of the unconference is the Drupal Content Management Framework. Supporting subjects including databases, frameworks, security, UX, front-end development and design are also encouraged. The format of the session is up to you, but you can give a presentation, run a Q&A or even hold a pannel discussion. Last year’s topics ranged from practical talks on debugging and code reviews, demonstrations of new contributed Drupal modules, genetic algorithms, the history of encryption and off line capable websites incorporating service workers.
Talks debuted at the 2016 unconference went on to be featured at events such Drupal Mountain Camp in Switzerland and Frontend United in Greece.
Talks debuted at the 2017 unconference went on to be featured at events such as Drupal Developer Days in Seville and Frontend United in Athens.
About The Group
The North West Drupal User Group is a non-profit organisation which organises regular events in Manchester to promote the Drupal open source software. They seek to educate professionals and enthusiasts alike in new developments within Drupal and supporting technologies.
The group has been growing since its inception in 2006. Currently there are 91 active members in its dedicated Slack channel, 240 registered members on meetup.com, and close to 500 followers on Twitter.
The group has historically organised monthly talks from both local and international speakers, with experience ranging from expert to first time speakers. It has also organised code sprints, supervising developers contributing back to the Drupal ecosystem and camp events comprising over 200 attendees.
In 2016 the group ran its first unconference, to distinguish itself from the growing number of camp events.
In 2017 we nearly doubled in size, maxing out our venue with attendees travelling from all over the UK to participate in and talk at the event, with many more talks being offered than we could host.
In 2018 we are looking to build on last year’s success, moving to a larger and more flexible venue, Federation House. This will give us the opportunity to increase the number of attendees, host exhibition space, run more tracks, and provide breakout areas.
Find Out More
For more information about the event and the NWDUG group please see the NWDUG Unconference 2018 website.
Get In Touch
There are a few ways to get in touch with us.
Event T-Shirts
We will ask you for your t-shirt size during the checkout process. Please note that any ticket purchased after Monday 16th October will not receive a t-shirt.
The social event will held at Roxy Ballroom, where we have booked a private room from 5:30pm until 10:30pm. People will be able to buy food and drinks and we will also have a dedicated area for games like pingpong. We will be asking if you want to attend the social when you get a ticket so that we can get an idea of numbers.